The benefits of having ADHD

ADHD is a complex condition, and it can bring some challenges which those with ADHD continuously face, such as struggles with attention and focus, emotional reactivity, and memory problems.

However, some people may experience some positive perks that come as a result of being neurodiverse. Here are 6 potential benefits some people with ADHD may experience, and some quotes that speak to the greatness these traits bring to the world.


It’s no secret that having ADHD can be difficult. However, people with ADHD have worked their whole life to try and figure out how they can achieve their goals, despite their difficulties. It might take them a little bit more time, or they might do it in a bit of a different way compared to others, but they have overcome many challenges to fit into a world that is not built to accomodate the way their brains work.

As a result, people with ADHD may have a level of mental and emotional strength that enables them to persist through hard times, and the capacity to adapt in new or challenging situations. This might mean that people with ADHD are more willing to keep trying, even when the going gets tough.

A C.S. Lewis quote that reads "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."

Creating new opportunities

ADHD may drive people to jump between topics or areas of interest more frequently, because the condition makes it hard to maintain motivation for long periods of time. So, people with ADHD might pick up new hobbies or interest more often than others.

Sometimes, ADHD can make people more open to being spontaneous, which is why some people with ADHD might take part in adventurous or risky activities.

ADHDers might find more opportunities for new or exciting experiences, that they may not have stumbled upon if not for their spontaneous and consistently curious nature.

A Salma Hayek quote that reads "Life is about creating new opportunities, not waiting for them to come to you."

Good social skills

One symptom of the Hyperactive sub-type of ADHD is ‘talking excessively’. Whilst in some circumstances this may disruptive, in others it might become beneficial.

Because some people with ADHD find it easy to talk and make conversation, often attributed to the way their brain constantly flits between ideas, they can be great at ‘breaking the ice’ in a new or unfamiliar social environment. They might also find interesting and unusual things to talk about, based on their own unique interests and experiences.

ADHD can also make people with the condition feel or appear quite high in energy, and often this energy is infectious, and can make others around them feel positive and energized.

A Penelope Trunk quote that reads 'The world is about being comfortable where you are and making people comfortable, and that's what social skills are."


Some people with ADHD have a tendency to hyperfixate on certain topics they’re interested in or passionate about, blocking out all other needs and distractions whilst they focus on this particular activity. In some cases, hyperfixation can be frustrating to manage, because during this state tasks and needs unrelated to the object of fixation are sometimes ignored.

However, if this energy is channeled towards certain tasks, people with ADHD can get ‘locked-in’ to a state of hyperfocus, in which they are driving all of their attention and focus towards a specific task. For people with ADHD in a state of hyperfocus, they might be able to knock out big tasks or projects quickly or without distraction, which can make them very efficient.

A Bruce Lee quote that reads, "The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus."

More perceptive

Being easily distracted is a symptom of ADHD, which can be a hassle when you need to focus on things like tasks, instructions, or a conversation. However, being drawn to notice things in the environment, or to get sidetracked by a specific idea or topic (despite the hit they may deliver to productivity) may actually help ADHDers, since they might become aware of small details that a neurotypical person might miss.

Some theorists even consider that this distractibility could have been maintained in the population over time as an evolutionary advantage – those with ADHD could potentially spot a predator out of the corner of their eye more easily than someone with typical focus and attention. Food for thought!

A Henry David Thoreau quote that reads, "It's not what you look at that matters, It's what you see."


The ADHD brain works differently than most, and whilst this can sometimes lead to challenges, it’s can also be a strength – not everyone can think outside of the box in the way that people with ADHD do.

Having interests in a broad range of topics, as well as constantly learning how to adapt their skills and capabilities to new situations means that ADHDers can be some of the most creative, innovative, and artistic folks out there.

It’s a trait that, amongst the rest mentioned above, truly makes those with ADHD shine bright!

An Albert Einstein quote that reads, "Creativity is seeing what others have seen, and thinking what no-one else has every thought."

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Olivia Holland
Medical Writer