Quotes from Famous Autistic People Everyone Should Hear

Authentic representation is so valuable for Autistic people and their loved ones. Autistic representation celebrates the diversity in Autistic individuals and reflects their unique experiences, creates awareness about Autism, and provides a relatable perspective for Autistic people trying to understand their own health journey.
We’ve curated some insightful and thought-provoking quotes from prominent Autistic figures for you. You might like to share these with others you think might find them interesting!

Anne Hegerty is an English professional quizzer and television personality, known for her appearance as The Governess on the quiz show The Chaser. She was diagnosed later in life, and has admitted that she finds day-to-day activities “quite difficult” because of her condition, but expressed she feels most confident on the game show.

Mel Baggs was an avid blogger and advocate for the Autistic community. They were non-verbal, and shared their own method of communication with the world in a short film titled ‘In My Language’. They believed in the powerful notion “that all people are valuable”, and their work on promoting self-advocacy placed them at the forefront of the neurodiversity acceptance movement.

Naoki Higashida is an Autistic author. His book The Reason I Jump describes his experience as a non-verbal young person with Autism, and has been translated into 30 languages, as well as adapted into a documentary. He hopes for an "understanding world" that will "not pity you for being Autistic".

Chloé Hayden is an award-winning actress, recently starring in the smash-hit Heartbreak High. With her messages of ‘Different, Not Less’ and ‘Find Your Eye Sparkle’, Chloé is fighting for a better future for those whose voices have been silenced for too long.

Grace Tame was named Australian of the Year in 2021. She has used her voice to raise awareness about the impacts of abuse, and to empower other survivors to speak up. In her 2022 memoir, she referred to herself as “the Autistic artist who finds everyday socialising harder than calculus, but walking onto a stage as easy as kindergarten maths”.

Dr Temple Grandin is an Autistic academic. Her awareness of how hypersensitivity to sound and touch affected her as an Autistic person led her to devote her life to designing systems to alleviate the anxiety caused by these triggers in both Autistic children and in animals. She has authored several books about the Autistic experience and continues to speak publicly about her life and work.

Comedian Josh Thomas was diagnosed with Autism after writing and starring in the hit TV show Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. On why he thinks he was initially drawn to standup as someone on the spectrum, Josh expressed that he “can be better understood that way than in on-the-fly social interaction.”

Mickey Rowe is an Autistic and legally-blind actor, who believes that when we design for accessibility, we help everyone to perform at their best, not just disabled folks. A self-advocate from an early age, Mickey suggests that only when we learn to value each other’s differences can we truly succeed.
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